Behind the Scenes
PhD | Middle East Technical University | Faculty of Architecture | 2020
Thesis Title: Urban Metabolism of İstanbul: Waterfronts as Metabolized Socio-Natures Between 1839 and 2019
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Güven Arif Sargın
MA | Istanbul Technical University | Faculty of Architecture-Department of Landscape Architecture | 2010-2013
Thesis Title: Rain Water In The Energy Efficient Urban Landscape Design
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hayriye Eşbah Tunçay
BA | Yıldız Technical University | Faculty of Architecture | 2003-2008
İstanbul Studies Center Doctoral Residency Fellowship | Kadir Has University | 2019-2020.
Scholarship/Scientific Projects
TUBİTAK 109Y015, Re-reading and Modelling The Urban Transformation in İğneada Conservation Area for Future Implications |
İTÜ-BAP 33376, Kent İçindeki Doğal Alanların Peyzaj Strüktür İndeksleri İle Analizi, İstanbul | 01.12.11-2013
Publications, Papers and Presentations
Sert, E. (2022). Metabolic Flows of Water in İstanbul in the Nineteenth Century: Tap Water, Waste, and Sanitation, Journal of Urban History. February 2022. doi:10.1177/00961442211073461
Sert, E. (2022). Modern Kıyının İnşası: 19. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla İstanbul’da Dört Kıyı Dolgu Projesi Üzerinden Toprağın ve Kentsel Dönüşüm Atığının Metabolik Akışı, Praksis, Sayı 60, (2022/3) Krizler Çağında Coğrafya ve Mekan.
Sert, E., Aykaç, G., and Zırh, B. C. (2021). Urban Politics and the Work and Labor Processes of Architecture: Survey Research with Young Architect-Workers in Turkey, METU JFA, Vol:38, No:1, pp.161-180. DOI: 10.4305/metu.jfa.2021.1.2
Sert, E. (2021). Solidarity Practices in Pandemic and Architecture (Pandemi ve Mimarlıkta Dayanışmacı Pratikler) DOSYA: TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, no: 47, pp. 58-63, ISSN: 1309-0704.
Sert, E. (2019) Mobility of Land in İstanbul: Production of Nature as Space in 2000’s. 6th International Congress Livable Environments & Architecture LIVENARCH VI-2019: Replacing Architecture, Proceedings Book Vol II, pp. 640-649.
Sert, E. (2019) Emergence of a New Urban Metabolism: Waterfronts of Istanbul between 1839 and 1923, CPUD'19 DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center), June 15-16, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings Book, pp.43-57.
Sert, E. (2019) Hafriyat Lojistiğinden Kıyılara: Dolgu Alanların Kentsel Politik Ekolojisi, Chapter in a book, Ed. Ciravoğlu, A. “Ters Köşe Ekoloji”, Puna Yayın, pp. 72-84.
Sert, E. (2019) Architecture in the Condition of the Crises: The Agenda of Labor in Architecture and Non-Optimistic Hope (Kriz Ortamında Mimarlık: Mimarlıkta Emeğin Gündemi ve İyimser Olmayan Umut), Mimarlık, No:410, November-December 2019, pp. 49-51, ISSN: 1300-4212.
Aykaç, G. & Sert, E. (2018) Türkiye'de Mimarlığın Emek Süreçlerini Yeniden Tartışmak/ Rethinking the Labor Processes of Architecture in Turkey, Moment Journal, 2018, 5(2): 219-237,
Sert, E. (2018) Coastal Land Reclamation Area as Megaform in the Context of Urban Political Ecology. Urban Struggles in Mediterranean Cities: The Right to the City and the Common Space, International UnConference. Athens, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, May 31th – June 3th, 2018 (Presentation).
Sert, E. (2015). Ekolojinin Politikasında Mimarlık, Ekolojinin Politikası: Yeni Sınırlar, Yeni Aktörler. Presentation Bilgi Üniversitesi 27-28 November, İstanbul (Presentation).
Sert, E. & Tunçay, H. E. (2013) Cities, Social Cohesion and the Environment: The Case of Taksim Square, İstanbul. POLITSCI’13 Political Science Conference, İstanbul, Turkey 31 October- 2 November, 2013, Conference Proceedings Book, pp. 136-147.
Sert, E. & Tunçay, H. E. (2013) Kentsel Altyapı Bağlamında Dönüşen Peyzaj. 5. Peyzaj Mimarlığı Kongresi, TMMOB, Çukurova University, 14-17 November 2013 (Presentation).
Sert, E. (2012) Kapitalizm Kıskacında Doğayı Dönüştüren Mimarlık ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı Pratiklerinin Karşılaştırılması. 7. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi 6-9 September 2012 (Presentation).
Tokus, M. & Sert, E. & Akyol, M. & Demir, S., Esbah, H. (2011) Landscape Ecology and Aesthetics: Case of Halic, Istanbul Eclas Conference. 7-10 September, Sheffield, England (Presentation).
Sert, E. (2020) Rethinking Socio-Ecological Memory of Cities During the Coronavirus Days, XXI Architecture and Design Magazine.
Sert, E. (2018) From Excavation Logistics to the Coasts: Urban Political Ecology of Coastal Land Reclamation Areas, XXI Architecture and Design Magazine.
English, advanced / Turkish, native
Teaching Experience
2019 - present | MEF University | Alternative Architectural Practices Graduate Program (AAP), Instructor.
ARC 521 Alternative Design Practices | Must Course | Fall 2019-20, Alternative Architectural Practices Graduate Program (AAP)
| This course aims to speculate about the concept of 'alternative design' through studying different practices. The prominent examples of design practices and texts will be featured in order to set up a theoretical framework for the 'alternative' which is also the title of our program. The cases will be studied through their historical contexts, emerging conditions and (if they are built) their construction processes. The course will help forming necessary conceptual terminology on the subject.
2018 - present | MEF University, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture, Bachelor Program, Instructor.
ARC 464 Urban Ecology | Elective Course | Spring 2017-18/ Fall 2018-19/ Fall 2019-20
| Contemporary answers on urban ecology debate with examination of various contextual positions and related theoretical / practical perspectives in architecture, urbanism and landscape design. Search for the developing concept of nature throughout history and parallel answers in architecture and urbanism. Within the course we try to increase both aware of latest trends related with urban ecology and critical thinking towards these trends.
FADA 121 Ethics in Design | Must Course | Conducted with Prof. Dr. Semra Aydınlı, Fall 2019-20 / Fall 2018-2019.
| This course aims to develop the ability of critical thinking as well as ethical awareness in terms of reasoning and judgment in the students who will be the future professionals, policy-makers, scientists and managers. Ethics can be considered as an advanced form of critical thinking and so ethical issuesin design help students’ understanding architecture that is responsible for earth, society and othercolleagues.
ARC 468 Rethinking Architectural Practice and City | Elective Course | Spring 2018-2019.
| This course aims to problematize the relation between architectural practice and city. Instead of seeing the relationship between architectural processes and city, architects have been limited to focus only architectural objects.
The course tries to provide students a sensibility and perspective that they will need in order to recognize architectural process and its possible connections related with the production of the city and daily life. Multidisciplinary approach and in-between situations in theory and practice of architecture will be discussed in order to enhance critical thinking to deal with the future challenges of design world successfully.
Urban Regenaration Competition | 2016 | Adana Seyhan Sucuzade Neigbourhood | Honorable Mention
Urban Design Competition | 2011 | Afyonkarahisar Cumhuriyet Square | Purchase Price
Urban Design Competition | 2010 | İzmit Coastal Landscape Area | Honorable Mention