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Papers, Publications and Presentations

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Sert, E. (2022). Metabolic Flows of Water in İstanbul in the Nineteenth Century: Tap Water, Waste, and Sanitation, Journal of Urban History. February 2022. doi:10.1177/00961442211073461

Sert, E. (2022) Modern Kıyının İnşası: 19. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla İstanbul’da Dört Kıyı Dolgu Projesi Üzerinden Toprağın ve Kentsel Dönüşüm Atığının Metabolik Akışı, Praksis, Sayı 60, (2022/3) Krizler Çağında Coğrafya ve Mekan.

Sert, E., Aykaç, G., and Zırh, B. C. (2021). Urban Politics and the Work and Labor Processes of Architecture: Survey Research with Young Architect-Workers in Turkey, METU JFA, Vol:38, No:1, pp.161-180. DOI: 10.4305/metu.jfa.2021.1.2

Sert, E. (2021). Solidarity Practices in Pandemic and Architecture (Pandemi ve Mimarlıkta Dayanışmacı Pratikler) DOSYA: TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, no: 47, pp. 58-63, ISSN: 1309-0704.

Sert, E. (2019). Mobility of Land in İstanbul: Production of Nature as Space in 2000’s. 6th International Congress Livable Environments & Architecture LIVENARCH VI-2019: Replacing Architecture, Proceedings Book Vol II, pp. 640-649.

Sert, E. (2019). Emergence of a New Urban Metabolism: Waterfronts of Istanbul between 1839 and 1923, CPUD'19 DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center), June 15-16, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings Book, pp.43-57.

Sert, E. (2019). Hafriyat Lojistiğinden Kıyılara: Dolgu Alanların Kentsel Politik Ekolojisi, Chapter in a book, Ed. Ciravoğlu, A. “Ters Köşe Ekoloji”, Puna Yayın, pp. 72-84.

Sert, E. (2019). Architecture in the Condition of the Crises: The Agenda of Labor in Architecture and Non-Optimistic Hope (Kriz Ortamında Mimarlık: Mimarlıkta Emeğin Gündemi ve İyimser Olmayan Umut), Mimarlık, No:410, November-December 2019, pp. 49-51, ISSN: 1300-4212.

Aykaç, G. & Sert, E. (2018). Türkiye'de Mimarlığın Emek Süreçlerini Yeniden Tartışmak/ Rethinking the Labor Processes of Architecture in Turkey, Moment Journal, 2018, 5(2): 219-237, DOI:

Sert, E. (2018). Coastal Land Reclamation Area as Megaform in the Context of Urban Political Ecology. Urban Struggles in Mediterranean Cities: The Right to the City and the Common Space, International UnConference. Athens, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, May 31th – June 3th, 2018 (Presentation).

Sert, E. (2015). Ekolojinin Politikasında Mimarlık, Ekolojinin Politikası: Yeni Sınırlar, Yeni Aktörler. Presentation Bilgi Üniversitesi 27-28 November, İstanbul (Presentation).

Sert, E. & Tunçay, H. E. (2013). Cities, Social Cohesion and the Environment: The Case of Taksim Square, İstanbul. POLITSCI’13 Political Science Conference, İstanbul, Turkey 31 October- 2 November, 2013, Conference Proceedings Book, pp. 136-147.

Sert, E. & Tunçay, H. E. (2013). Kentsel Altyapı Bağlamında Dönüşen Peyzaj. 5. Peyzaj Mimarlığı Kongresi, TMMOB, Çukurova University, 14-17 November 2013 (Presentation).

Sert, E. (2012) Kapitalizm Kıskacında Doğayı Dönüştüren Mimarlık ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı Pratiklerinin Karşılaştırılması. 7. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi 6-9 September 2012 (Presentation).

Tokus, M. & Sert, E. & Akyol, M. & Demir, S., Esbah, H. (2011). Landscape Ecology and Aesthetics: Case of Halic, Istanbul Eclas Conference. 7-10 September, Sheffield, England (Presentation).

Sert, E. (2020) Rethinking Socio-Ecological Memory of Cities During the Coronavirus Days, XXI Architecture and Design Magazine.

Sert, E. (2018) From Excavation Logistics to the Coasts: Urban Political Ecology of Coastal Land Reclamation Areas, XXI Architecture and Design Magazine.

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